Administrative Law

Cyprus Administrative Law.
Cyprus Administrative Law is based on its Greek counterpart.
Administrative law deals with the organization of, and functions performed by, various administrative agencies of government and other administrative authorities, the limits and restrictions which govern these functions, as well as the extent to which these limits and restrictions may be utilized by a citizen to obtain relief from the courts.
So what things are covered by Cyprus Administrative Law?
To put it in layman terms we would include the following:
- Instances where the government has taken a decision (or failed to take a decision) in relation to licenses, duties, taxes;
- If you are a public servant (in the government, a public corporation or a municipality) things like appointments, transfers, promotions are all administrative law related.
- If you file a public tender with a public authority and is rejected then most probably you have an administrative act.
Cyprus Administrative Law is found on Article 146, Part IX of the Cyprus Constitution.
The Supreme Court of Cyprus has been very productive in its administrative law jurisprudence. It has developed and enormous amount of case law from 1960 till today. In 1999 the House of Representatives passed law 158(I)/99 (The General Principles of Administrative Law, Law) which codified administrative law principles as they existed on that day. Therefore many of the principles that were developed by case law have now become statutory.
Administrative Law is not an easy subject. Many times a case will be won on lost on formalities. So it is very important to get appropriate legal advice in cases you have dealings with the government that may have repercussions on your property, career etc.
Contact us for more info.
If you have an administrative law case or an inquiry relating to administrative law contact us here.