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Cyprus company strike off and voluntary liquidation.

Sep 17, 2023
A company is a legal person. As such it has what is called “perpetual succession”. In other words it never dies. The question offers arises how a company can be...

The Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA).

Aug 28, 2023
Introduction. The GDPR under Article 35 introduces the concept of a Data Protection Impact Assessment (“DPIA”). DPIA is a process designed to describe the processing, assess its necessity and proportionality...

European Union Trademark Registration.

Aug 17, 2023
Our law firm maintains a wide portfolio of clients for whom we have registered a European Union Trademark. We carry more than 25 years experience in trademark law and intellectual...

Applying for permanent residency in Cyprus.

Aug 17, 2023
There is some confusion about the options available to non EU citizens to obtain residence permit in Cyprus. In this article I explain the avenues available. There are 4 ways...

Registering a trademark in Europe. What is the procedure?

Aug 16, 2023
What is an EU trademark. Trademarks are a symbol of the identity of your business. The original names, phrases, symbols, logos, and designs that you create for your business help...

What is an Anton Piller order?

Aug 15, 2023
What is an Anton Piller order. An Anton Piller order, also known as a search order, is an order of a Court requiring one party (Respondent) to allow the other...

You are being watched! The GDPR and the use of CCTV systems.

Aug 12, 2023
Introduction. At a time when technology, including smart cameras, allows companies to collect much more sensitive information about individuals, more stringent supervision of the protection of personal data is certainly...

What is the “controller”and what is the “processor” under the GDPR.

Aug 10, 2023
Introduction The GDPR imposes to the Controllers new data protection obligations. Further, in a change from previous legislation, processors have new statutory obligations in their own right under the new...

What is the GDPR?

Aug 9, 2023
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), is a new set of data privacy laws that require businesses to prioritize the protection and privacy of personal data belonging to European Union...

What is Digital Nomad Visa?

Aug 9, 2023
What is the digital nomad visa? The “Cyprus Digital Nomad Visa” Scheme allows nationals from non-EU and non-EEA countries, who can perform their work location-independently using telecommunications technology, to reside...