Cyprus Companies Formation Requirements.

Cyprus company formation.
To form a company in Cyprus, you will need to provide certain documents and information. Here are the typical requirements for Cyprus company formation:
1. Shareholders:
You need at least one shareholder to form a company in Cyprus. The shareholders can be individuals or legal entities. You will need to provide the following details for each shareholder:
– Full name
– Residential address
– Nationality
– Copy of passport or identification document
2. Directors:
A Cyprus company must have at least one director. The director can be an individual or a corporate entity. The following details are required for each director:
– Full name
– Residential address
– Nationality
– Copy of passport or identification document
3. Company Secretary:
Every Cyprus company is required to have a company secretary. The company secretary can be an individual or a corporate entity. You will need to provide the following details:
– Full name (for individuals) or company name (for corporate entities)
– Residential address (for individuals) or registered office address (for corporate entities)
– Nationality (for individuals)
– Copy of passport or identification document (for individuals)
4. Registered Office Address:
You will need to provide the registered office address of the company in Cyprus. This address will be used for official correspondence and must be a physical address in Cyprus.
5. Memorandum and Articles of Association:
You will need to prepare the Memorandum and Articles of Association for the company. These documents outline the company’s activities, internal regulations, and the rights and obligations of the shareholders.
6. Share Capital:
You need to decide on the share capital of the company and provide details regarding the amount and currency.
7. Company Name:
You must choose a unique name for your Cyprus company. The name should not be similar to or conflict with any existing company names in Cyprus. It is advisable to conduct a name search with the Cyprus Registrar of Companies to ensure availability.
8. Shareholder and Director Declarations:
You will need to provide signed declarations from the shareholders and directors confirming their consent to act as shareholders/directors of the company.
9. Power of Attorney (if applicable):
If you are appointing someone to act on your behalf in the company formation process, a power of attorney document may be required.
10. A completed application form:
You will need to complete and submit the necessary application forms provided by the Cyprus Registrar of Companies.
The is a dedicated portal or Cyprus companies registration and operation. It provides a wealth of information to prospective applicants or even persons that own a Cyprus company and have questions.
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