How the media presented the ECHR judgement in the Vrountou case
How the media presented the ECHR judgement in the Vrountou case
The judgement of the European Court of Human Rights in the Vrountou case issued on the 13th of October 2015, attracted a lot of media attention.
The managing partner of our law firm Christophoros Christophi gave numerous interviews in TV, radio and newspapers while the Greek and English press in Cyprus covered the case.
Interview to Paris Potamitis, CYBC, 14/10/2015.
Interview to Nikitas Kyriakou, Sigma TV news, 14/10/2015.
English speaking media
Cyprus Mail, Court ruling on women refugees could open door to mass compensation, 15/10/2015
FG News, Cyprus has discriminated against displaced woman, ECHR rules, 14/10/2015
Cyprus Mail, ECHR awards woman damages for being refused refugee status, 13/10/2015
Cyprus News Agency, Cyprus has discriminated against displaced woman, ECHR rules, 13/10/2015
Greek media
ΚΥΠΕ, Κάθε πολίτης μπορεί να δικαιωθεί, δηλώνει στο ΚΥΠΕ ο δικηγόρος της Βρούντου, 14/10/2015
Φιλελεύθερος, Χαστούκι ΕΔΑΔ για τους εκ μητρογονιας πρόσφυγες, 15/10/2015
Σημερινή, Δικαίωση εκ Μητρογονίας Πρόσφυγα, 15/10/2015
Φιλελεύθερος, Ευρύτερες οι προεκτάσεις της απόφασης για τους εκ μητρογονίας, 19/10/2015