Cyprus ready made (shelf) Companies

What are “shelf companies”
“Shelf” or “ready-made” companies are business entities that were pre-registered. These companies have no assets or liabilities and have never conducted business. Cyprus shelf companies are usually registered as limited liability companies, so the only difference between acquiring a shelf company or a company registered newly, is the amount of time before this company becomes available. Other than that shelf companies have exactly the same benefits and responsibilities as Cyprus companies registered to order.
A shelf company is definitely the fastest way of getting a business up and running. Since we usually have available at least shelf companies, all you need to do is to pick a name. This company may become operational immediately. If necessary, we can appoint the new directors and/or shareholders within a day.
Please note that every shelf company we provide comes with a guarantee that this shelf company has no assets or liabilities and have never conducted business.
For more information on Cyprus companies set up and operation visit our dedicated portal
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